NYSFOLA Executive Director Job Description and Application Process

The New York State Federation of Lake Associations is searching for a full-time Executive Director. 

This is a new, full-time position.

The deadline for applications is June 15th.

We ask that applicants send a resume and cover letter to Tarki Heath (tarkiheath@gmail.com) that specifically addresses  qualifications and experiences for the position along with a one-page description/ vision statement for the future of NYSFOLA and how to achieve this vision.

If you have knowledge of an individual with the qualifications for this position, please do share the description and application process. We are pursuing a public search through multi-level advertisements as well as reaching out to those organizations working within related fields.




local hydrofracking

This video shows a gas well being fracked on December 15, 2011 in northeastern PA. Please take a few minutes to watch and then  pass this on to everyone you can to let people see what could be coming to the towns of Marcellus, Otisco, Skaneateles, Onondaga, and other finger lake communities. 

If you don't think there are gas leases near you, please check out the street-by-street  maps for Onondaga County: 


Hydrofracking visit

On July 16, 2011, a group of people from Oneida County, New York drove to Bradford County, Pennsylvania to see the process of Hydrofracking for themselves. The trip was organized by Hydro Relief Web. Three of the people who attended (Toshia Hance, Bonnie Jones Reynolds, and Carleton Corey) were later interviewed by Reporter/Anchor Gary Liberatore from WKTV news Channel 2. View an extended form of their interview here:


Sempronius          Town Board

Sempronius Town Board website has great information regarding the current status of hydrofracking. Very worth your time to read!

Check it out here:

Hydrofracking resources

The outcome of the much anticipated law suit against the towns of Dryden and Middlefield has ended supporting the towns! This is great news for all of us and our wonderful Otisco Lake townships that have supported our request for a hydrofracking ban! Click here to read up on this important decision.

Thank you to all of our towns and all who support this!


Additional Links

Five Towns Watershed Informational Site: fivetownwatershed.wordpress.com

Signed a lease for hydrofracking on your property and want to get out of the lease? Visit http://www.fleased.org/ for more information. 

Environmental Advocates of NY: http://www.eany.org/issues/issues_waterandnaturalresources_naturalgas.html

Post-Standard Articles: http://topics.syracuse.com/tag/hydrofracking/index.html

Cornell Cooperative Extension: http://cce.cornell.edu/Community/NaturalGasDev/Pages/default.aspx

United States Geological Service: http://geology.com/usgs/marcellus-shale/

Natural Resource Defense Council: http://www.nrdc.org/land/files/marcellus.pdf

Finger Lakes Land Trust (Comments on the NYSDEC Draft GEIS): http://www.fllt.org/linkfiles/marcelluscomments.pdf

NYSDEC: http://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/46288.html

National Geographic: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/10/101022-energy-marcellus-shale-gas-science-technology-water/

Hydrofracking leases in the watershed of Otisco Lake : Hydrofracking Leases PDF